Forensic Psychology

Forensic Psychology
Forensic Psychotherapy

I am a former Professor at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, where I held appointments in the Departments of Obstetrics and Gynecology & Psychiatry. As a Professor, I provided clinical services, conducted research, served on university and national academic committees, and taught and mentored students. Since leaving Northwestern in December of 2023, I continue to conduct research, serve on national academic committees, teach and mentor students, and I now provide clinical services through my private practice. I also work as an independent forensic consultant and expert with Fitzgerald, Collinsworth and Associates and through my own firm.

I have received training in both clinical and forensic evaluation with specialized training in the forensic assessment of harassment, discrimination, assault, retaliation, medical/reproductive trauma and other trauma litigants. For the last 20 years, I have specialized in the study of harassment, discrimination, assault, retaliation, reproductive/medical trauma and other trauma experiences: their risk factors and organizational causes, their psychological and other consequences, the ways in which victims respond to these situations, and how organizations can prevent, discourage, and remedy these problems. I have published on these topics in peer-reviewed scientific journals in my field, have served as a teaching assistant for a course on harassment in organizations, and have lectured numerous times nationally and internationally on the topic.

I have been qualified as an expert witness in federal and state courts and have provided consultation to numerous private attorneys. I have participated in psychological evaluations of numerous plaintiffs involved in civil lawsuits alleging harassment, discrimination, assault, retaliation, reproductive/medical trauma and other trauma litigation at the request of both plaintiff and defense attorneys and have testified in federal and state court. I am licensed through PSYPACT to conduct evaluations in 39 states.


  • Emotional Damages Claims

    • Harassment, discrimination, and retaliation

    • Assault

    • Wrongful death

    • Medical malpractice

    • Reproductive/fertility clinic errors (e.g., IVF tank failure, wrong embryo transfer, fertility fraud)

    • Foreseeability

    • Jury consulting

    • Reliability and validity of forensic evaluations

    • Other alleged emotionally damaging experiences

For more information, please contact Dr. Lawson at 312-313-6719 or